Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Wahl Walk

The Wall Walk is one of my favorite moves in crossfit. I haven't perfected it, but I love to watch more advanced people do it. So when I was trying to decide what to call my newest blog, I couldn't resist a name that combines my two new tools that I am using to fight my Multiple Sclerosis, the Wahls Protocol and Crossfit.

In March 2014, my friend gave me a copy of Dr. Terry Wahls' new book "The Wahls Protocol".  I was originally diagnosed in 2006 and have had many well-intentioned people recommend a "cure" for me. But this was differect. The book arrived with no forewarning. It was simply put on my husband's desk. No explanation,  just the book. I read it. Then I put it in a pile of books to be forgotten.

I lost both of my parents in less than a year. My mom died of metastatic breast cancer that invaded her brain. My dad died 11 months later of pancreatic cancer. It was a one-two punch. With their deaths came a new reality, I was just moved into a high risk class for cancer. In my fight with MS I had taken risks. I took Novantrone,  a chemotherapy drug that has a side effect of leukemia. When I was treated in 2010, this was an acceptable risk, especially with no family history of cancer. When you add the family history, though, it becomes scary. But I don't have a time machine and must live with my decision. So I had my checkups and decided to live with my decision.   Emphasis on "live".

My check ups all went well, but they all had a similar theme... lose weight. I have been on so many meds that I had been told that my metabolism was shot. My body would find its weight and would stay there. There was nothing I could do. So I watched as I ballooned from a size 8 to a size... much larger. It was awful, another thing that I had lost contol over because of MS. And that sucked.

Then it happened.  I needed to go to Lowes but instead ended up in the Golds Gym parking lot. I was going to make a change. I walked in and got a tour and Crossfit was mentioned in passing. I looked through the window to the huge cage inside. I was intimidated,  but inspired. I want to do that. I scheduled my assessment with a personal trainer named Suzanne. My walking looked great, my air squats were perfect. My overhead squats lacked balance, but Suzanne said that with practice and training they would improve. We scheduled my first personal training session and I was on my way. Unfortunately,  I was late to the next appointment, but something amazing happened as a result. I met with Suzanne and apologized about being late. I also told her my goal. I want to do a hand stand.

"Come to my 10 o'clock class in the Crossfit room."

So I did. We were working on gymnastic moves, specifically the handstand push up. It was the hardest workout I had ever tried, and I loved it. I love crossfit. And its diet falls in line with the Wahls protocol.

I'm going all in. On June 23, 2014, I made a change. I made two big changes. Crossfit and Wahls Protocol. This is my blog about my journey.